Hello! The snow will hopefully be melting soon with some much needed weather in the 50s. I am trying to get some organizing done and ran across an idea for all those pesky cards we keep in our wallets (like Michael's rewards, etc.) that take up so much room.

I had an extra Altroid tin and decided to make a place to keep all those extra cards. The nice thing about this is that I used the burgundy trim on the outside of the tin to match my paper; so I only covered the top and left the inside alone.
I went to my go to cartridge, Paisley, and found a fun mushroom to add to the front. I added some Stickles and an extra flower for some more dimension.
If you decide to make a tin for your extra cards, be sure when using to open the tin so the lid acts as a tray when you are searching for the card you need. That way they will not all fall on the floor. If you really want to get crazy, you could even alphabetize the cards!!!
Have an awesome day and thanks for stopping by!